Maxim Integrated Distributor
Maxim (ADI) Distributor & Supplier
Broadest Portfolio of Maxim Integrated Products in Stock
NHE Offers a Wide Variety of Semiconductors from Maxim Authorized Distributor
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    The Customer shall not knowingly sell to any buyer who is on, or who will supply the Products to any other person who is on, the US Denials List or any other embargoes or sanctions list. The Customer shall comply with all applicable export controls and shall comply with any applicable NANHUANG policy in force from time to time (if there is any conflict between the two, the export controls shall prevail). The Customer acknowledges that it is the Customer's sole responsibility when exporting the Products to any other country or jurisdiction to ensure that the Customer complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

    This website has nothing to do with Maxim. We are an independent distributor and are not authorized by Maxim. Accordingly, Maxim does not provide warranty coverage or customer support for semiconductor products purchased outside of Maxim’s authorized distribution network. But this does not mean that our products are not authentic.

    Limitation of Liability: In no event shall nanhuang be liable to you or to any third party for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages (including without limitation lost profits, lost savings, or loss of business opportunity) arising out of or relating to any product, even if nanhuang has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Subject to the foregoing, in no event shall the liability of nanhuang relating in any way to any product exceed the purchase price for the product, regardless of the legal theory asserted for such liability, whether in contract, tort, warranty or otherwise. You acknowledge that the amounts payable for the products are based in part on these limitations, and you further agree that these limitations shall apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy.

    Maxim Integrated (ADI) Distributor & Maxim Electronic Components Supplier in China - NHE
    Maxim Integrated Authorized Distributor | NHE is dedicated to providing first-quality, genuine Maxim (ADI) components.